Health Management Logic is a specialist consulting firm delivering high-value healthcare system project services. We specialise in digital strategy solutions that optimise health information and create more sustainably efficient Hospital operations.

HML delivers “high-trust consulting” and a quality product to Hospitals that ultimately releases time-to-care at the bedside and a better outcome for Patients.  

Our team have proven experience in delivering complex system implementations across Hospitals and Hospital Groups in clinical and operational areas.  We help Hospitals by:

  • Reviewing and providing advice on maximising revenue opportunities in Health Information Services in administrative practices, coding, medical record access and data management and integration

  • Provide Project Management services and support for clinical information system implementations, integration and strategy

  • Optimise Health Information Services processes, procedures and structures for a sustainable, compliant and future-proof operational and clinical data management models


Health Information Logic works with Private and Public Hospitals and their partners in the Health IT sector to provide advice and deliver projects that provide realisable operational and clinical benefits to your specialists, staff and patients.  

Our experience in the Australian health sector for over 20 years gives us unique understanding of the needs of your key stakeholders (VMOs, Clinicians, Patients, CFOs, CTOs and HFs) as well as the regulatory and technical environments that we work within. 

Our services include:

  • Health information management solutions to standardise, consolidate, integrate and optimise your information, systems, coding, data and medical record management;

  • Software co-design, specifications and business requirements;

  • Clinical, PAS and Billing information system implementations, consolidation and integration;

  • Review of clinical and funding system models and associated software vendors;

  • Proposal and business case development and costing models and analysis of business, clinical and technical requirements to get to the desired objectives 


Our team brings together Digital Health IT programme management experience across Private and Public Hospitals, IT VEndorand Management Consulting industries.  

Director: Bec Ziffer

We are accredited Prince2 Practioners with Agile methodology experience.  We are Australian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH).  

Examples of our experience below.

St Vincent’s
Private Hospitals

Project Management of a 10-Hospital implementation of scanning solution and HIS process optimisation (including audit & destruction).

Development of health information management strategies focusing on a quality efficient and sustainable service.

Standardisation and consolidation of workflows, policies and processes in HIS, Pre-Admission and Admission areas.

Development and Implementation of a standard Patient portal across 10 Hospitals with a single “form” and integrated automated workflow from the Patient’s submission through Pre-Admission screening and review to Admissions.


St Vincent
Health Australia

Implementation, migration and conversion of 300 bed Hospital to a new PAS (Patient Administration System) and EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system.